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This weeks decluttering tasks

So, who is up for a weeks worth of decluttering tasks.  I am hoping that by starting the year with the intention of decluttering then I can keep it up through the year.

This week I am staying in the bedroom and ensuite.

This weeks decluttering tasks

Sort out your wardrobe - This is the hard one for me, I have clothes in my wardrobe that no longer fit and handbags that are over 20 years old.  If I haven't worn something in 6 months or used it, then I am going to remove it and place either in the sell, recycle or donate boxes.

Dressing table – Any makeup that is more than 6 months old needs to go in the bin.  Makeup brushes need to be cleaned and all the contents of your dressing table needs to be reviewed. 

Under the bed.  I have drawers under my bed and they are stuffed to the gills with shoes.  So I want you to clear out under your bed today.  Do not just put things back under.  Make sure you declutter.  Be ruthless, if you haven’t used something in 6 months then it is time to get rid of it.  

Drawers - The time has come to sort through any drawers that you have in your bedroom.  Questions to ask as you do this.  When was the last time I wore this? Does it fit? Will I wear it again? Is it stained? 

En Suite or Bathroom

Cosmetics and bath products.  Sort out and review all your products.  Anything open over a year old needs to be discarded.  

You can find the previous weeks tasks here if you want to catch up and join in.


  1. Great ideas. I am a de-cluttering demon. If something hasn't been touched, for like 10 minutes, I send it to charity. This means that I have to have the opposite resolution and actually buy some clothes to clutter up my practically naked wardrobe x

  2. That is a big job here. I shall try. Maybe I will start with my make up - thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Good advice - but some of the make-up I use daily is over 6 months old so I can't chuck it out!

  4. I really need to get motivated to such a hoarder!!

  5. I really do need to do this!! My wardrobe is such a difficult one as i find i go up and down sizes sometimes so its hard to know what to throw out and what to keep?! must be done though, as I have so much im not using

  6. That is great advice, as I'm pregnant it's not the best time for decluttering (there's all sorts that I haven't worn in 6 months!!!) but will definitely have a look back at this when I'm back in my regular clothes and shoes :)

  7. really good advice, I need to go through and chuck out loads of old bath and make up stuff! x

  8. Good advice - I love a good declutter! Just need to find the time to do it :)

  9. We have been doing this since after Christmas! My wardrobe was sorted yesterday and this week I want to get all of the filing and shredding sorted!

  10. Well done you - I'm in declutter mode too. Will defo be popping back for some tips. Good luck - stay strong :-) x

  11. I am in declutter mode too - got rid of loads of clothes and old toys at the charity shop....feels good!

  12. You have reminded me to clean my makeup box, thank you! I declutter all the time. I hate mess :)

  13. It's great to de-clutter, I try and do it every couple of months, rotating round the house. Amazing how much better the place looks and feel afterwards!

  14. I looooove decluttering, I usually do it once a month! Anything that's stained beyond saving goes. A great tip I passed onto my stepdaughter is to empty your wardrobe rail and hang everything back up with the hangers facing the wrong way. When you wear something, hang it back up the normal way. When you next go to declutter your clothes you can easily see what you actually do and don't wear!

  15. I've just got the kitchen drawers to go and then we are officially decluttered. It feels amazing!


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