Children these days would rather spend most of their time online on social networks or playing videogames that helping their parents to clean the house. Fortunately for you, there are a couple of things that you can do to actually make your kids do their share of chores, so see below for some tried and tested ways to get the kids to help out around the house. Make them feel that they are helping save Mother Nature At a young age, children need to know the importance of helping the environment. This includes washing the dishes with a dishwasher that is energy efficient and environmentally friendly . Explain to your young ones that such a straightforward task can go a very long way when it comes to preventing greenhouse emissions, water wastage, fossil fuel depletion, and so much more! Use another term besides “chore” The term “chore” has always had a negative connotation attached to it. For this reason, try to use a different and more engaging term i...
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