There is a lot of talk in the press of the fact that we are no longer in a double dip recession but then in my little word it is hard to see and it is also hard to make ends meet. We struggle to make sure we have money at the end of the month and the one area taking a hit financially is our pensions. The government is aware that many people will have to live on the current pension of £140 a week and is introducing an auto enrollment policy for pensions which means that as an employee you will automatically be included in your employer's pension. So could we live on £140 a week. I know for a fact that we couldn't at this moment in time. maybe once the boys leave home and the mortgage is paid off, but we still couldn't do it comfortably. I have wrote in the past about feeding a family of four on £50, which I fear is now impossible to do well with the inflation and food cost increases. At the moment both the boys go to Beavers and play Junior football the costs
Providing carefully for the future by being mindful of spending money and also saving money where possible