This week I am concentrating on ways to save money in the entrance way to your home. We often forget this area, but it is the first place that you see and also the front line between the elements and your home. Keep heat in your home by adding a door curtain to your front door. You can line it with a cheap fleece blanket rather than buying expensive thermal lined curtains. Use a draft excluder at the bottom of your door. Make sure your letter box has draft excluders installed. We just changed ours at the cost of £5 and it has made a really big difference. Use all those charity bags you get through the door to line bin's throughout the house! Installed LED bulbs in your lights. Lights in hallways are often on for longer than any other within the house. Previous posts in this series include: Money saving tips for the bathroom
Providing carefully for the future by being mindful of spending money and also saving money where possible