Each year I assign a word for the forthcoming year last years word was Joy and you can read more about it over on the Mad House and this years word Nurture . However I thought it was high time I set an annual plan, in addition to my seasonal manifesto's So for 2014 my financial word of the year is Prudence prudence ˈpruːd(ə)ns/ noun 1 . the quality of being prudent; cautiousness. "we need to exercise prudence in such important matters" synonyms: wisdom, judgement, good judgement, judiciousness, sagacity,shrewdness, advisability, common sense, sense "foresters argue about the prudence of drastic thinning" caution, cautiousness, care, carefulness, canniness, chariness,wariness, circumspection; far-sightedness, foresight, forethought; discretion "an elder counselled prudence" thrift, thriftiness, providence, good management, care...
Providing carefully for the future by being mindful of spending money and also saving money where possible