Welcome to week one of our money management walkalong. We are going to take a look at our financial well being and then make a plan. This week we are going to make a record of our annual income split down per month. For many people this is the simplest thing to do. Forms of income Salary Wages (remember that if you are freelance that this will be gross) Child benefit Child tax credits (If eligible) Cashback Interest from savings Dowload you A4 copy here So I will be back during the week with a form to track your expenditure. Do you have a post that is about thrifty parenting, decorating or lifestyle. One that is about frugal food or crafts and art. or even a post about making the post of what you have, then please do link up. Each week we make sure we pin the post, feature some on our facebook pages and then we each have a round up on a Sunday. Let’s all share that being frugal can be fabulous. This week I want to sh...
Providing carefully for the future by being mindful of spending money and also saving money where possible