I love tea, all tea and I make my own ice tea. It is a fraction of the cost of buying ready made ice tea and we all enjoy it. If you use a flavored tea they are naturally caffeine free and therefore, perfect for all the family. For every 2 litres, I tend to use 8 tea bags worth of tea. I tend to use 4 bags of caffeinated tea as a caffeine base (usually orange pekoe) and the other half as decaffeinated flavored tea as a flavoring base. If you don’t care about the caffeine, feel free to omit the orange pekoe base. It doesn’t really change the flavor. Twinning have just brought out some new teas and I love the sound of Liquorice Allsorts Earl Grey Tea and Jasmine Pearls Green Tea to make ice tea with. Cold soaking method Whichever tea bags you choose, let them steep for a few hours (I tend to do mine over night). When removing them, don’t squeeze the bags, as it can make the tea bitter. After steep...
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