I really believe in looking after the equipment I have in our home. Our currently washing machine is only the second one we have had in our 20 years of being married and it has served me really well. We put the washer through its places, pretty much daily. What with muddy football kids and the fact that I recently died some white sheets red. Once a month I clean all our white goods, washing machine, tumble dryer, oven and dishwasher and here I share with you how I keep our washing machine spick and span. By doing it regularly it takes 10 minutes of active cleaning and the rest of time is automated and you really can not clean anything in a dirty machine! You can see the red stain on the rubber, which wouldn't rub off with a cloth. Materials Bleach White vinegar Cloth or rag Old toothbrush Add two cups of bleach to the powder drawer. Run the washer on a hot wash empty. As we use liquid or powders in the machine and run it at 30 degre
Providing carefully for the future by being mindful of spending money and also saving money where possible