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Showing posts from February, 2012

A guide to getting a good deal at the mechanics

Once the process of buying a new or used car is complete, and your latest set of wheels stands gleaming in the driveway, you’ll want to take care of your purchase. A well-maintained car is likely to be safer, more reliable and last longer than a vehicle that is not properly serviced. It is important, therefore, to find a mechanic that will do a good job, but keeping the costs down means doing your homework. Dealerships Car dealerships and franchises will argue with some validity that their in-depth knowledge of your make and model of car gives them an advantage over their independent rivals. They could be able to source replacement parts more easily and they might offer guarantees not available elsewhere. When it comes to price, though, recent research estimates that franchised dealer workshops are 57% more expensive than independent garages. It is a condition of some warranty agreements that your vehicle is serviced at a named dealer, so always check this before making t...

Win a Fijit Friend with Argos and A Thrifty Mum

I have a fab giveaway for you on behalf of Argos.  Now as you may know I have two boys, so have no experience of a Fidgit Friend, but the lovely (Mostly) Yummy Mummy , who is a long time twitter friend actually reviewed one last year and has a great post all about them and what they do. I find that blog competitions are a great way of getting toys for the boys for Christmas and birthdays and am hoping to find many ore ways to get toys frugally when I read through y comments after this competition. A Fijit Friend is your new interactive best friend. Watch as she chats with you using over 150 phrases and dances to music with her hilariously fidgety body! Great for hours of entertainment and best friend fun! This prize has been supplied courtesy of Argos. Argos stocks a huge range of nursery toys and baby equipment from cot beds and nursery furniture, to a wide range of pushchairs , including the three whee...

Cutting your supermarket bill week on week

Are you feeling cash conscious at this time of year? Who isn't? Here are my tips for cutting your supermarket bill, week on week, month on month Change your supermarket.     If you normally go to  Tesco or Sainsbury’s then try going to Lidl or Aldi for your main shop. It's possible to save around £70 a week alone   on switching supermarkets .     You will also find that you are not always talking about a cut in quality when taking a cut in price.     Aldi was voted supermarket of the year at the   Which Awards . Use a shopping comparison site such as   My Supermarket , who provide a free cost comparison service.     If you have a set list of items that you buy week on week, why not find out which supermarket is cheapest. Keep an eye out for supermarket promotions like the Sainsbury's live well for less which is back on 25 January with a five meals for £20 offer. Downshift your product.     I...

Guest Post - 5 Whacky Ways to Save Money in January

How many of us have set the same New Years money saving resolutions each year, only to see them broken come the end of January? Well I know I have. So, with this in mind, I have created 5 whacky ways to save money this year that you will stick to. Have a read and enjoy!  Dinner in the dark?   In the evening, we spend the most amount of money on energy lighting our homes. With this in mind I have created a unique way of saving money that involves the whole family. Once a week, my daughters and I eat a family meal together by candle light. Do the same and share a cosy dinner together with your little ones. You could even entertain them with a shadow puppets show!  Fancy a Wind Turbine?  Did you know that you can power your house using natural wind? Wind energy can save you a small fortune in energy bills and in certain areas of the UK you will not be charged any tax if you choose to install one.  Cool off with a cold shower   ...

Do you know how much you spend each month?

Do you know how much you spend regularly each month? No? Well then it is time to make a full list of your spends! I am talking about all of your regular fixed outgoings, including mortgage or rent, council tax, water rates, TV licence, gas, electric, TV costs, phone charges (home and mobile), insurances (home, buildings, car and personal), school lunch money, swimming lessons, fuel and any subscriptions you may have. If you do your banking online, then you can print off a list of standing orders and direct debits, otherwise pop into your bank and ask them to do it for you the next time you are passing. Next you need to look at all your variable (changeable) expenses each month, so you need  to   keep your receipts for one month’s shopping in one place, you can come up with a complete list of expenditure.     Don’t forget those lattes on the way to work or those children’s magazines we all buy when we give in to pester power (or is that j...