Once the process of buying a new or used car is complete, and your latest set of wheels stands gleaming in the driveway, you’ll want to take care of your purchase. A well-maintained car is likely to be safer, more reliable and last longer than a vehicle that is not properly serviced. It is important, therefore, to find a mechanic that will do a good job, but keeping the costs down means doing your homework. Dealerships Car dealerships and franchises will argue with some validity that their in-depth knowledge of your make and model of car gives them an advantage over their independent rivals. They could be able to source replacement parts more easily and they might offer guarantees not available elsewhere. When it comes to price, though, recent research estimates that franchised dealer workshops are 57% more expensive than independent garages. It is a condition of some warranty agreements that your vehicle is serviced at a named dealer, so always check this before making t...
Providing carefully for the future by being mindful of spending money and also saving money where possible