Barclaycard Freedom Reward Card asked me to take their 60 second survey to see what shopping tribe I was part off . Barclaycard and Brunel University have collaborated to research the modern way in which we shop and how UK shoppers can now be defined into four new shopping tribes. I am a Bargain Hunter Gatherer: You're an expert at collecting the best tools, voucher codes and loyalty cards to make your budget go as far as possible, week in, week out. While the kids are doing their homework, you're doing yours - grabbing the best savings for your family. Key facts about you: You're most likely to be female, married or living with your partner and living in the north of the UK. You lot are busy. Two thirds of you cleverly juggle your home, work and financial life. You're not easily tempted by big discounts, only 35% of you have ever bought a non-essential item you didn't need because of a special offer. Home really is where the heart is - 42% of you...
We have agreed to keep technology out of the boys room. I try my best not to have TV on in the day (8.30-3.30) and opt for the radio instead. TV is my friend when getting ready for the day and cooking with a 3 and 1 year old. I have my phone by my bed because I am heavily pregnant and don't sleep well. Also reading a couple of blog posts helps to keep me calm with the boys in the middle of the night. Neither of them are fantastic sleepers.