Spring is definitely here and that also means that wedding season will soon be upon us. Like most people out there I do like to look my best when at a wedding and would love to be able to afford a new outfit for each of the weddings over the year, however, finances just do not allow for this most of the time.
Firstly I make sure that I look at mid season sales for high end clothes. At the moment there is some fantastic reductions on damsel in a dress, which means I can afford a high end dress at a more affordable cost.
Once I have the dress that I will look at how I can make it look different for the weddings that I will have over the season. By mixing up the accessories for each of the weddings I attend I can really mix up a look.
It is amazing how adding a different pair of shoes, hat (or fascinator), shawl, cardigan,. jacket, jewelry and handbag you can make an outfit look very different.
However, I do not have the finances to go out and buy these new, as they will cost a lot more than the dress! So I am always on the lookout for good quality accessories when I go into charity shops.
I am also not afraid to ask friends if I can borrow something of theirs, in fact when MadDad's brother got married I wore a hat borrowed by a friend and a handbag which I got from a car boot sale.
Often I will not have to buy anything at all, just shop from my existing wardrobe and work creatively. You can add finishing touches to shoes by adding a bow fixed on to a hair clip to them and even make your own fascinator.
Vintage fairs, car boot sales and eBay are all great places to pick up affordable accessories so you can change your outfit.
How do you dress for weddings?
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