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What Are The Advantages Of Having An American Fridge Freezer If You Have A Family?

Families have big demands when it comes to eating, which means big demands for food storage. An American fridge-freezer has plenty of benefits, but what are its best assets when it comes to family use?

1.   Big

One of the main advantages of American fridge-freezers is that they are big. This means that they are great if you have a large family and need to store lots of food, but also means that you can take advantage of any supermarket deals and offers that are available, thus saving you money in the long run. It also means that you’ll be creating less rubbish as you won’t have to constantly throw things out to make more room.

2.   Safety

As one of the alternatives to an American fridge-freezer is the chest freezer, it could be argued that the American model is safer if you have small children. It can be easy for children to hurt themselves with a chest freezer if they are reaching down into the bottom to get something out, especially with them having to hold the heavy lid up at the same time. With an American fridge-freezer, this isn’t an issue as the doors are on hinges and will stay open until they are shut, ensuring that your children remain safe.

3.   Ice Machine

Having an ice machine on your fridge-freezer can be a great advantage. It is seen as something fun by children and can therefore encourage them to drink more water in order to make use of the ice maker. This is great if your children do not drink much; it ensures that they remain hydrated and have fun while they’re at it.

4.   Energy Efficient

Most of the American fridge-freezers that you can buy today are very energy efficient. This means that you won’t be causing any damage to the planet and therefore will be showing your children the importance of looking after the world.

It’s clear then, that American fridge freezers have plenty of benefits for you and your family and this is by no means all of them. They’re great for storage, safety, fun and the planet and also look great in any big family kitchen so why not give them a try?


  1. I love the look of them but just don't have space - maybe next time in my dream kitchen (and I'll emphasise the safety point to my scaredy cat husband :))

  2. Great post! I love these fridge freezers, I have one on it way to me at the moment as I have just done up my kitchen! I cant wait to get it, my kids are looking forward to the ice machine!!


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