Do you trick and treat? We haven't always gone out and done it as Maxi doesn't like dressing up and was afraid of people in costumes. However, he is now seven and is happy to trick or treat, so here are my top tips for you.
- All dress up (yes even you) I have a witches hat that I wear when I go out with the boys, all the parents where I live dress up.
- Set off when it is just dusk.
- Only go to houses with lights on. We pop a lantern in our window to signify we are happy for people to visit.
- We tend to visit people with children, as we know they will come to us too.
- My boys sing a song. The sky is blue the grass is green have you got a penny for Halloween. I have taught them that we do not ask for things.
- We have some individual bags of Halloween Haribo, which are perfect trick or treat goodies, as they are single bags and it doesn't give children the opportunity to grab a handful.
- We also make Halloween cakes and biscuits to give to neighbours.
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