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99p for a dress is just wrong

A UK online fashion retailer was selling a party dress for just 99p and was quoted (yes it was in the daily fail) saying

"We recognise the fact that girls do not like to be seen in the same dress twice especially with photos circulating on social media websites. Looking good and creating a new look for each night out comes with a price tag - not any more,"

99p for a dress, even with £2.99 postage, I find this shocking in this day and age that a store can justify selling clothes for this price.  Not even many charity shops are selling clothes at that price anymore.

In todays financial society it pains me to think of any company encouraging a disposable society.  I do wonder how many of these dresses will end up in landfill rather than charity shops.

How do we encourage our children to "make do and mend" and to understand the value of anything if this is the sort of message they are receiving from elsewhere.  I want my children to understand the stress that a disposable lifestyle puts on our environment and for them to think twice before buying another item.

I try to ensure that I purchase ethically where possible and also that we reuse, recycle  upcycle or pass on what items we can when we have done with them. 

I would love to know your thoughts on this.


  1. I wonder how the kids in the fast eastern sweatshop feel about their hard work being sold for 99p + postage?

    1. My thoughts exactly Alex. It is sad at what people feel are priorities these days

    2. I am pretty sure they were either paid a fraction of that 99p, or this is probably a factory assembled product!

  2. That's awful. And what an attitude to encourage, too. The idea that we can't wear the same dress more than once? Ridiculous.

    And you have to have serious concerns about how that dress was made for such a price, too. Can't be ethically sourced, at all.

    I find it depressing, too, that a lot of people say they won't shop in charity stores because they feel they can get stuff cheaper from Primark or the like. But usually the charity shop clothes are of a much better quality and last a lot longer. I have a fair few very high-quality dresses and skirts that I've bought from our local RSPCA shop for under a fiver and would have cost close to £100 new. I couldn't imagine spending 99p on a new dress.

    1. Oh you put that so much more eloquently that I did! I NEVER shop in Primark out of principal!

    2. I won't shop in Primark, either, and it bugs me a bit if the girls get given clothes from there. I have relatives who will wax lyrical about how amazing it was to get two pairs of pyjamas for £1. Depending on who it is, I will either zip my lips and take deep breaths, or give them verse and chapter on why it is REALLY NOT A GOOD THING!

    3. As I understand it, Primark actuallly does quite well on ethical trading standards. Having said that, we mainly shop in charity shops.

  3. Totally agree that people shouldn't be encouraged to only wear clothes once. I love shopping in charity shops as I always feel far better about myself when I've spent money there, than if I buy something new!


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