I have still be busy decluttering and even managed to get MadDad to sort through his clothes at the weekend!
This weeks plans are as follows:
If you have older children then it is important that you involve them in this, so that they can ensure they keep their rooms in a clean state. I always agree with my boys that anything I sell from their rooms that they can have that spent on them.
This weeks plans are as follows:
- Linen Cupboard - Sort though the linens and make sure they are sorted in to bed. Donate or sell any surplus sets.
- Bathroom - Clear any drawers or storage in the bathroom. Make a list of what products you have, so that you do not over stock.
- Children's bedrooms - Sort through drawers removing items for your throw away, giveaway and sell box.
- Children's bedrooms - Sort under their beds.
- Children's bedrooms - Wardrobe sort out
If you have older children then it is important that you involve them in this, so that they can ensure they keep their rooms in a clean state. I always agree with my boys that anything I sell from their rooms that they can have that spent on them.
Emotionally decluttering
For me removing excess items from the home is all part of a larger exercise. When I am upset, scared or unwell I accumulate "stuff". A lot of what I am removing from our home is things that I brought in after my mum died and I am learning that if I remove this clutter that not only does it make the house easier to look after, but there is a side effect of clearing my mind too.
I am slowly emotionally decluttering. leaving room in my mind and home for the beautiful and useful things.
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