We have been really lucky this winter and it has been wet and mild in the UK, but apparently there is a cold snap on the way. So here are some great tips on saving money on your energy spend
- Make sure you close your curtains when it gets dark and open them during the day. This shuts out the clod and let the warm in.
- Use draft excluders, we have a range from stuffed fabric ones to ones that we have stuck on door frames and even screw on ones on the external back door.
- Use a curtain at external doors. We have one on our front door and also one on the door from the garage.
- Turn off lights in empty rooms.
- Do not leave items on standby
- Unplug or turn off chargers at the wall when not in use (they still pull power even when not charging)
- Turn down your thermostat by 1 degree. This will give you an annual saving of over £50
- Wear more layers. We have got in to the habit of wearing dressing gowns and slippers
- Use throws - we all snuggle up under throws on the sofa when we are sitting
- Hot water bottles are great for warming beds.
- Install active heating such as Hive, this can save you up to £150 a year. The current installation cost is £199 so you could save this cost and more in just over a year.
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